Pingouin Purl Knitting Machine
Very sought after vintage knitting machine which was still in original cardboard box with all accessories.
I thought it needed a special table but it has a very unusual set of brackets that actually lift when you screw it to the table (excellent idea) It produces a soft hand knit fabric and requires a lot of weight to operate. Fascinating machine, however, it must have been a pain to knit full size knitwear because of the weight distribution. The bed is white – very unusual - I doubt I will ever get another. The needles are double ended for garter stitch. Update July 2021 - I now have another two of this TP2 Machine - one may ask why and that is because spares are nigh on impossible to attain and often if you are lucky enough to be able to buy another its cheaper than even just the needles (if you can get them) another very rare Pingouin has just been added and that is the latest I think of the this model and its has a 60's furniture look to it - its a wee bit more automated than the TP2 but still an incredible machine perhaps a bit ahead of its time but its speciality is indeed garter stitch and it knits plain and purl in one passing.