Toyota 787 Punchard

The Toyota KS787 is a standard gauge punchcard, and boasting wonderful colours of pale orange and ivory this machine offers a plerethora of inbuilt gadgets to play around with and what quality, one of the best Toyotas I own and I guess the one I would choose to own if I had to give up all but one, it was certainly built to last and a big improvement on its predecessor -I love the zig-zag feature - this model still has a punchcard facility, auto motif features and manual selection buttons, I have a great selection of books to go with this machine and some Toyota attachments including the Knit Tracer and Toyota's impressive plaiting attachment which is the only one I know that allows a change of plaiting colour.

This Toyota is a fine machine which when coupled with the ribber can be used for Simulknit, this is a fabric which is reversible. The 460 ribber for this model requires a separate Simulknit kit - unlike the later ribbers which incorporated Simulknit settings within the ribber. The lace carriage (an extra) is simplicity itself to operate - as I have said before - when you know how - but the books that come with this machine have reasonably good instructions. It must have cost a small fortune to produce though and bears no resemblance to Toyota's last production machine the Toyota 950 which had the all in one lace facility, only problem with that is that one has to remove the yarn to do multilple transfer fashion lace, and that is nowt but hassle. Definitely a top quality machine built to last
Finally just a thought, the lace carriage that was included with my machine was the wrong one for this model - I could not fathom why it bent needles galore - so if buying a lace carriage ensure it is the correct model for your machine. When buying this machine nowadays do be aware that rust and damp storage can signal the end of the complex workings within the case - I would advise trying before buying.