Erka 930 and DK8
So its now the end of August and it has been hot all over Europe – Brittany being no exception, too hot to work in the shed although I do have a wee portable air conditioner which doubles as a powerful fan.

Input handknit pattern into DesignaKnit 8
I liked the idea of knitting a quick pattern from one of my various hand knitting books – so I copied the pattern into DesignaKnit ensuring that it would translate into machine knitting ie in my case a 3 or 4 ply type yarn. As I keep reminding you all, I only have industrials so hence the unusual yarn choices. In this case I had some wonderful soft white cotton and having knitted with it before, I knew it would wash and wear well, essential when doing lace stuff, as it’s a serious
After entering the shape in general stitch by stitch into DesignKnit 8 using the tension given in the book, I had then to do a swatch with the 2 ends of industrial – the tension was different of course – I then had to decide how to proceed within DesignaKnit. I always save and save again in DK – its easy to do and much easier than starting again. I then cancelled the exact stitch layout and went onto cms after entering the swatch size. Once this was done, I checked all was well with the stitch layout and altered the decreases where necessary on one side then simply mirrored the other side to match it, after this I copied the front and renamed it the back and off I went. workout.

Always save and save again

Erka 930 (Brother 930)
I decided to use my Erka 930 this is the French version of the Brother 930, a lovely cream and pink machine. Also I wanted to test my 2 garter carriages one a KG95 and the other a KG93. I bought the KG93 along with the Brother 970, which reminds me I must get this machine out for another test later. My idea was to use 2 of the built in lace patterns within the Brother, and I often wondered if my Brother 940 book patterns would be contained within the memory of the 930 and believe it or not, they are all in there.

Lace Hem
I wanted a lace hem, sort of picot style, then a couple of garter carriage rows to allow me to use one of my favourite lace patterns which is a mix of both normal and fine lace. I did not knit from screen with DesignaKnit as this is design had a mix of lace, main and garter carriages, I think it would have driven me nuts – I simply referred to the pattern as and when I needed to. It was a fairly smooth exercise and when I say exercise, I mean it, just don’t know how many passes I did but I was exhausted after just doing the back. I had intended to use the garter carriage for the short sleeves (as outlined in the original pattern) ie not my idea, but once finished it has provided me with a soft cotton garment – of the type I wear over my blouses in the late summer and autumn.

Seriously Hard Work
I know I did not really need to use DesignKnit for this project but want to get my skills up to scratch as hand knitting patterns offer some superb shapes out there and entering them in, keeps the brain cells active in my old age.