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Singer 9000 manuals

The Singer 9000 Instruction manuals

Pics of Adverts for the Singer 9000 and Passap E6000 knitting machines
Singer 9000 and Passap E6000 adverts

Someone asked me the other day about on of the books that came with this machine, and iin particular the Singer Shapes Enclyopedia. She had heard that there was a massive pattern book included but had never seen one. I have photographed the set of books that came with this machine, and there are five all set within a handy book holder. To be honest they and the machine must have cost a small fortune to produce however the books are not the most sensible design and are quite cumbersome to refer to. Most of us have limited space nowadays and the machine takes up quite a bit along with the free standing consul and if purchased the seperate monitor or TV. The floppy discs that come with the machine plus the mouse that is attached to the consul are not really catered for in todays computer climate, however they can still be used if you have a TV with a scart socket. The consul takes the floppy discs. I have 2 Singer 9000’s and both work but one of the consuls does not connect to the TV for some reason or another however both work connected to the machine and you can still programme your stitch patterns using just the LCD on the actual consul and to be honest that is mainly the way I programme. If you wish to use the Shapes then you need to connect to the TV or monitor. Now thats the technical bit over with and back to the included books. There are 5 - the largest being the shape or should I say form computer book that comes in several languages and comprises of a hefty 632 pages but to be fair they are in 4 languages.

Pic of Singer 9000 Shapes Encylopeia
Singer 9000 Shapes Enclyclopedia

We have to remember at this time it was up against a very new machine ie the Passap E6000 and I actually wonder, given all the bells and whistles included with this machine whether I would have considered it given the chance above my actual purchase of what is now my favourite

knitting machine, the E6000. The 2nd book is the actual manual of how to set up the machine (67 pages long) and this manual could apply to most Singer Superba machines. The 3rd manual was the Electronic Controller manual 156 pages and it tells you how to input and included cursor information etc. The 4th manual is a rather thin one that describes how to use the colour

changer.. 23 pages and in 4 languages.

Examples of Singer 9000 shapes with form computer type programmes
Singer 9000 shape examples

Finally the pièce de résistance the pattern booklet as its called - it offers a wonderful array of patterns 901 to be precise and the index is again in 4 languages.

According to this ad - the price ranged from 850 to 1750 pounds, with a wee addendum that the higher price did not include a TV monitor or motor drive or the Keyto cabinet in the pic. It did offer free training and a free 4 colour changer in the price.

As you can see from the pic of the ad, it was a cumbersome outfit. The machine itself is quite lightweight, and the consul is easily moved around and the books are stored in the bottom. The Singer motors are excellent even today, mine work well and again are lightweight and easy to attach once you know how. If you want to read more about my experiences with this machine, then check out these links.

Shape examples for the Singer 9000  knitting machine
Singer 9000 shape samples

I know there is software that takes the place of the consul on sale but it is expensive and if you can buy one complete and can test it, then why bother. I have a very large screen TV that thankfully the technology has not done away with a scart socket and I use that - I have to say the biggest problem is the operation of the mouse, very old tech, however you can still use the keyboard to enter patterns and the led display and I suppose if all goes wrong, then look at the software.

If you want seriously indepth information on all Singer/Superba models then look up Patrick Madden, he really is a top source.



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