Toyota 901 PunchcardKnitting Machine Museum Toyota 901 Punchcard | Toyota 901 PunchcardKnitting Machine Museum Toyota 901 Punchcard Carriage |
Toyota 901 PunchcardKnitting Machine Museum Toyota 901 Punchcard Lace Carriage | Toyota 901 PunchcardKnitting Machine Museum Toyota 901 Punchcard Case |
Toyota 901 PunchcardKnitting Machine Museum Toyota 901 Punchcard Single Motif | Toyota 901 PunchcardKnitting Machine Museum Toyota 901 Punchcard Fairlisle |
Toyota 901 Punchcard
The Toyota KS901 is a surprisingly attractive machine in burnt orange and ivory, a 24 stitch punchcard machine and one of the last good models brought out by Toyota. It includes lace carriage in separate box that is similar in operation to the brother carriage ie transfer first then knit. This machine also had optional plaiting feeder which is the best one I have ever used because it actually interchanges the yarns easily when actually knitting - I have tested the motif control and its fairly simple - good set of 24 stitch punchcards and lace cards - most impressed - and this is what I assumed a Toyota should be like - I have the optional Simulknit
kit but my latest Toyota 506 Ribber does this automatically, An excellent and quality standard gauge machine with loads of patterning facilities and I love the colours of these machines which believe it or not attracted me to them in the first place. Perhaps its fair to mention that with the Brother and Toyota lace carriages they do take up more space because of the extension rails. Definitely the best Toyota to buy..